Illusional Reality duology.
YA romantic fantasy the exciting concluding part of Illusional Reality.
Published by Asteri press – The Quest – Paperback – The Quest Amazon.UK – Paperback
“Karina is a prolific writer and has had 8 books published in various genres. It was her love of Tolkien and Pullman that Karina wrote her romantic fantasy, Illusional Reality, which has turned out to be her bestseller. Readers have taken Thya and Alkazar into their hearts.”
Karina: The only film that grabbed my attention and held me there with an open mouth, was the amazing Lord of the Rings Trilogy.
They said that whoever took that 3-book fantasy on, had to be crazy. Peter Jackson wasn’t crazy, but he was a hobbit in his heart.
His vision and attention to detail just made this magical film pop. It was after watching the first film, Fellowship of the Ring, that the story of Becky and her magical adventure took place in mind, heart, and soul.
By the time the 1hr journey from the cinema had ended I had the names, plot, conflicts, storyline, everything written in my head, and then, as most writers know, once you’re in the “zone” there is no stopping you. By the time the second film, Two Towers, book two concluded, The Quest was again plotted in my mind and it didn’t take long to get the first draft on paper.
When Hati, notices a Tsinian crystal glowing, she knows she must stick to her word and return to her homeland as Thya. Knowing her kinsmen needed her, there was no hesitation. Even though there was more to lose than just her life.
Once more a prophesy was given that informed the reader of oracles, that only Thya could stop the war and save not just her people, but the rest of Enumac from Kovon’s psychotic future plans.
Along with three other companions, Thya is sent on a perilous quest to locate a dark crystal which holds evil known as the Dark Force. The group are tried and tested throughout their journey by monsters, death and courage. New friendships will be formed and other lost. Thya’s power becomes stronger and a second will threatens to take over her mind body and soul.
A terrifying surprise waits for them in the city of Helkon.
Will they survive?
Will Thya return to Tsinia and for the final showdown with Kovon?
Find out by reading the thrilling concluding part of Illusional Reality.

“The Quest by Karina Kantas is the sequel to her book Illusional Reality. Becky is once again pulled from England back to the world of Tsinia where she is The Princess. Thya is Becky’s name in this astonishing fantasy world. Thya is the only one who can save her people and their land. They have been forced to leave their magical land and live in caves to survive. The world along with the characters are fleshed out even more with the addition of more monsters and characters and magic. You travel with Thya and a couple others through trials and tribulations which are expertly created to make their Quest either successful or a failure. Her magic becomes even stronger but alas there is a dark side to it that she has trouble controlling. This is a definite page turner. You will become completely invested in Thya and her companions surviving and making it back to Tsinia. The action is nonstop as Thya and her companions run into many intriguing problems. I loved both books. If you like fantasy worlds that take you away these are just the books you need.”

Karina Kantas is the author of the popular OUTLAW series.
Thrillers involving outlaw motorcycle clubs and the highly rated romantic fantasy ILLUSIONAL REALITY
She also writes short stories and when her imagination is working overtime, she writes thought-provoking dark flash fiction.
There are many layers to Karina’s writing style and talent. As is displayed in her flash fiction collection, Heads & Takes. And in UNDRESSED she opens up more to her fans. Giving them another glimpse of her warped mind.
When Karina isn’t busy working on her next best seller, she’s runs affordable indie author services. KKantas Author Assist. Social Media Consultant, Book Trailer designer, Narration, Branding and Logo design, Marketing and Promotion Manager, design and VA.
Karina writes in the genres of fantasy, romance, sci-fi, horror, thrillers and comedy.
Her inspirations are the author S.E.Hinton and the rock band, Iron Maiden.
You can find her on Facebook and Twitter, where she loves hanging out with her readers.
Titles to date:
***The OUTLAW series***
In Times of Violence Urban thriller
Huntress MC thriller/romance
Lawless Justice Vigilante MC thriller
Road Rage MC thriller
Heads & Tales 28 short and flash fiction in all genres
UNDRESSED Collection of poetry, prose and flash fiction
Stone Cold YA Supernatural thriller
Illusional Reality Romantic fantasy
***Coming soon*** (maybe)
Broken Chains (MI5 thriller)
Predator (erotic horror) FB fan page TWITTER BLOG Goodreads Amazon author page FB Illusional Reality book page
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